Instructions for Using Students Excel
You cannot purchase the Excel assignment until drop/add closes for the semester.
1. Visit the Website:
2. Register or Sign In:
a) Fill out the form using your KSU student email address to create an account. Or, if you have used StudentsExcel before, click the Sign In link.
3. Purchase an Assignment:
a) First-time users will be taken directly to the purchase screen after registering. If you created your StudentsExcel account in a previous semester, you will need to click Purchase New Assignment to access the purchase screen.
b) At the purchase screen, make the appropriate selections from the following lists:
• Instructor
• Course
• Section (confirm your meeting days/time or online section number)
c) Click Purchase.
• Day One Access or Cougar Connect users: The assignment appears automatically in your account. The cost of the materials is added to your Day One Access or Cougar Connect account.
• Direct Purchasers: Use a credit or debit card to purchase the assignment.
4. Download and Complete the Assignment:
a) Click Download Exercise to download the Excel template and any supporting materials.
b) Click Watch Video to be guided through the assignment. Ensure the sound is on as the instructor demonstrates Excel techniques and offers helpful tips.
5. Submit Your Work: Once you have completed the assignment, log into your Students Excel account and use the Submit button to turn in your work.
• Begin with the Excel template or supporting materials provided, unless the assignment instructs you to create a blank workbook.
• Use the Desktop app for Excel for Microsoft 365 on a Mac or Windows computer. This assignment cannot be completed on a Chromebook.
• Do not use Excel for the Web in your web browser; use Excel for Desktop. A free Microsoft 365 license is provided as part of your university enrollment.
• Save the initial template as an Excel Workbook (.XLSX file). You cannot submit the Excel Template (.XLTX file) that you initially download.
• Close Microsoft Excel before submitting your work to ensure a clean upload. Leaving the workbook open in Excel while uploading may result in a corrupted upload that cannot be graded.
Email all questions, including purchasing and technical support, to Telephone support is not available for these assignments.